
Sunday, January 25, 2015

"Grow Your Blog" ...and a GIVEAWAY!

to new visitors and old friends alike
For the 3rd annual "GROW YOUR BLOG" party!!
So glad to have you stop by as you go through the massive list of bloggers that Vicki at 2 Bags Full has generously compiled!  Hope you can stay a while and have a look around, and then enter my
at the end of this post!

"Hello again" to old friends who come by often, and "so glad to meet you" to my new visitors! You'll see old photos I've posted before, and a bunch new ones, too, that will give you an idea of what I blog about.  LOTS of photos ahead...
I love to make soldered is one of my signature shadow boxes

Let me introduce myself:
My name is Maggie, from beautiful Portland, Oregon.  I've been a professional illustrator and designer, mostly in the textile and home-sewing industry for many years.  I devote much of my free time to my love of crafting and painting. I enjoy blogging because it has introduced me to a great many kindred souls out there who share many of my passions.  I like to use my blog as a journal of sorts, to share the projects I'm working on.  It also serves as a doorway to my Etsy shop, which is woefully bare right now, but should be stocked again soon with the soldered jewelry and angel paintings that I love to create.

Painting folk art angels is a passion of mine, and sometimes I use miniature prints in my jewelry

more of my soldered mixed-media jewelry

I love to do paper crafting and this blog has also been a wonderful way to participate in various crafty swaps and challenges, and get to know the other participants through the sharing of our little creations:

It's fun to swap Artist Trading Cards at ArtJoyStuff (I love the wonderful swap themes that Kimberly comes up with!)...

...or to participate in the weekly challenges over at the Tag Tuesday blog...
...or to trade crafty projects at BlissfulArtSwaps

Sometimes I share tidbits about my family.  My only child is far away for her sophomore year at college (and I'm still adjusting to the empty nest!), and I share news about her, my husband, or my friends and family.

Here's where I do much of my graphic design work, but I've recently gotten a new bigger Mac

Sometimes I hold small soldering workshops here in my studio, but it has been a while.  Hoping to have one or two classes in the new year.  My workspace is rarely this tidy.  I'm lucky to have tons of natural light from the french doors, though sometimes that's rare in our rainy Pacific Northwest!

I've spent many years illustrating for Simplicity Pattern Company drawing mostly little girls' fashions such as this...sadly for me, they use photography almost exclusively these days, but I still do occasional jobs for them. This is an oldie, but a favorite: illustrating a furry kid AND a dog!  I was corporate art director at Daisy Kingdom for a zillion years, too....some of you may remember them for their crafts and kids' clothes.

The work that I do professionally includes illustration and graphic design.  I have my own company, Raguse Creative Services, and do artwork for a variety of clients.  Lately, I've been developing surface designs for a tote bag company, which is a lot of fun.  I'm really into vintage, collage-y images right now.
I recently found one of my new designs at our local Kroger affiliate, Fred Meyer...always a thrill to see it on the racks!
Here's what the final art looked like.  I created it in Photoshop...which I really just started learning when I did this design about 9 months ago. I'm still a 'newbie' and learning as I go!

 Here's a sneak preview of three new tote bags I designed.  Not on the market yet, but soon...You all get to see them here first!!
'retro bicycle'

'retro cowgirl'

'chalkboard dreams' 
(in the last blog post I did, below, you'll see the various hand-lettering projects I've worked on recently)

Well, hopefully you've gotten to know me a little bit through this post, and I can't wait to go through Vicki's list and get to know some of you better, too!!  I would LOVE for you to visit often and keep up with what I'm working on here in my studio either professionally, or just for fun...just click on the "Join This Site" button in my sidebar to follow along,  and I'll do the same for you!

And now, for my  GIVEAWAY! 
Actually, I'm doing TWO GIVEAWAYS, so you have two chances to win! To enter, please LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW on this post to let me know you've stopped by (make sure there's a way to contact you if your name is chosen).  Anyone can enter, and on February 15, 2015, I will randomly select two lucky winners. Here are the giveaways:

GIVEAWAY #1 -- The first name drawn from 'the hat' will receive one textured soldered heart necklace (I have hearts on my mind for Valentine's Day!) similar to these pictured.  Molten solder is impressed with a random swirly texture and given an antiqued patina, for a one-of-a-kind keepsake:

GIVEAWAY #2 -- A second winner will receive a hand-crafted blank greeting card featuring a high quality print of my original mixed-media Angel painting "Joy Within",  enhanced with touches of glitter to make the halo and wings sparkle, then further embellished with embossed gold foil trim:

Good luck to you and THANK YOU so much for stopping by!  Consider becoming a follower if you'd like, come back often and we'll get better acquainted! And thanks again, Vicki, for hosting the party!


  1. Happy Blog Party Day! OH my giddy aunt - your work is totally fabulous! Yep, you're on my favourites list now,and once today's hecticness is over I shall happily return and drink in the loveliness! So happy to have found your blog - best wishes, Shroo:)xx

  2. I am amazed! I LOVE your folk art angels. They are so incredibly beautiful! I hope I win the giveaway, but if not are they available for purchase?

  3. Hi Maggie,
    so nice to see you here again. I hope you will have many visitors today. I was very lucky to win your giveaway last year and love your creativity and work.
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  4. I am a follower and love your work. I would love to one one of these! Di@cottage-wishes

  5. What fun blog! So much to see here. :) I am a new follower through the blog hop - I enjoyed meeting you this morning!

  6. Hi Maggie. It's been awhile since I've visited your blog. I still love your paintings and illustrations. I remember when your bag design was submitted, or appeared, at Kroeger Grocery Stores. Sadly, here in Flagstaff, AZ, our one and only Fry's (Kroeger) didn't have your bag. And I really need to check on some of the swaps that you participate in. I love the ATCs you posted. Your work is marvelous, as usual.

    Blessings, Marrianna

  7. It is nice to meet you. How exciting to see your creation in a store, on the rack. Your soldered projects are just beautiful. Enjoy the blog hop! Jennifer

  8. Hi Maggie, what a talented lady you are! How wonderful that you used to illustrate Simplicity patterns, I remember them from sewing classes at school! I'm giving Vicki a helping hand checking all the blogs in the party so on her behalf, welcome!

  9. Oh Maggie, your work is beautiful. How thrilling to be published and see your finished product locally. I'll be following along for sure.

  10. I love your artwork. I'm looking forward to the Cowgirl tote.

  11. What a delightful assortment of creative pursuits! Your work is lovely and I enjoyed the peek into your work space. And goodness how fun is that Simplicity pattern illustration?! So happy to have found you via the GYB party.

  12. Hi Maggie! Nice to meet you here on "Grow Your Blog Party". I love your beautiful creations and artwork! Just became a follower of yours, so please include me in your awesome giveaway!
    Lupe Meter from (

  13. So nice to have found your blog, again. I love your work and it is all so beautiful. I checked out your Etsy shop too only to discover I have already been following you there. Small world!

  14. Maggie, I loved the recap of all your beautiful work! Even though I have been a follower for a while, there is always something new to learn and I was delighted to hear about your new bag is at Fred's. What fun to walk in to the store and see something you created!

  15. Hello sweetie!
    Have fun at the GYB Party!

  16. Maggie, I "found" you through Kimberly's "Fabric of Nature Swap," and your lovely ATC is on the bulletin board next to my desk at work. Your creations are beautiful, and I'm happy for this chance to throw my name in the hat to possibly win more of your work! -Amy Bauer

  17. Oh WOW. You make beautiful mixed media art. I was truly impressed with your ATCs, your fabric designs, and your soldered pieces. Those shadow boxes are amazing.

    I really enjoyed visiting your blog. It was a genuine breath of fresh air.

  18. You throw a great party. Thank you for inviting me!

    So that you know, I've become a Follower and when time permits, I'll be back to see what other beautiful things were made by your hands!

    What this party is all about is to GROW your blog and I'm hoping to do the same. When you get to Section One, check out A Country Chic Retreat and SuZeQ Creations, my personal blog, in Section Fifteen I'd love for you to follow and subscribe to.

    Happy crafting!

  19. Goodness me! I am in awe of the beautiful things you create (and just a tiny bit jealous of your skill too!!) What gorgeous things.
    And your Giveaway is very generous too. Isn't GYB fun?!

  20. Hi Maggie, it is so nice to meet you through the GYB event. I really love your art work and jewelry making and you are so very talented! I have just joined your blog via google friend connect! Thank you for stopping by my blog yesterday and I do hope that you will join my blog too as I love being creative too and we have similar interests! I hope too that we can become blog friends. I love your giveaway and thanks so much for offering both of your creations. Thanks again.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  21. Like Fat Dormouse I am in awe. Beautiful work you do! I am following you on Bloglovin
    Jean in Berlin (French Odditites)

  22. Oh wow, what beautiful makes! Popping by for the GYB party to say hello and thanks for stopping in at my blog too. I would just have to go with No.1 as I go weak at the knees for all-things-hearts!

  23. Wow I love your connection to the Daisy Kingdom patterns! I loved those illustrations and so wish that they would illustrate them instead of using photographs all the time. Your work is absolutely beautiful. Following you for sure!

  24. Hi Maggie, I remember last year I was a lucky winner here and when I see the things you sent me I think of you. Your art is simply amazing. I just loved seeing all of your projects here. I am wondering how Photoshop is done. I imagine I could watch some Youtube videos. There is much I can do on my Silhouette machine as far as collages and I am wondering what more Photoshop could do for me. Thank you for visiting me!

  25. Wow Maggie....your jewelery is amazing! I love those box necklace charms. Very unique and interesting! I am visiting from GYB!
    Cheri, the quilting nanny

  26. G'day Maggie I'm visiting also from GYB and following your kind comments on my blog! Your work is wow - you are clearly a very talented and creative lady, I shall enjoy following and getting to know you better AND if you do visit Australia seeing what you get up to here!! Love your jewellery and thanks you for entering me in your giveaways!
    Enjoy the rest of your week and all your visits!
    Wren x

  27. I like your style. And I always wondered who drew those sewing pattern pictures. Now I know!

  28. Really great! Nice to meet you, Maggie! I'm from Russia and my doughter's name is ... Maggie! :)))

  29. Maggie I'm absolutely enthralled by all of your beautiful artwork and your amazing resume! I was CRAZY about Daisy Kingdom designs "back in the day", in fact I ran across a photo recently of my daughter wearing a jumper made from one. Thanks for visiting and following my blog, I know I'll enjoy reading more and following your blog too!

  30. Wow Maggie, you are so talented! Gorgeous artwork and those cards, I was particularly drawn in by the teatime one. Your jewelry is gorgeous too, as are you pictures. I am visiting from the grow your blog party. Great to "meet" you!

  31. You have so many talents! Glad I stopped by for a visit! Love your beautiful soldered jewelry pieces! I am a cardmaker too, so your blog caught my attention! Thanks for a chance to win one of your beautiful creations!

  32. Lovely to meet you - I enjoyed seeing all your projects!
    You are so talented!
    I'm visiting from the UK

  33. Your artwork is amazing, I love mixed media and I'll be following you !

  34. Wow - what fun it's been to visit with you! I'm in awe of your soldering talents - anytime I've tried it's ended up a dismal mess and me with burned fingers. Decided after several attempts that I am better served to stick to needle and thread!

  35. Hi Maggie! Nice to meet you- I'm still making my way around on the GYB party. It was great to see all your artwork. I have to tell you, I loved Daisy Kingdom- both my children had their nurseries decorated with DK - crib sheets, bumper pads, quilts, wallpaper border, the whole thing. Thanks for sharing your talents with us!!

  36. Visiting from GYB, you are one talented lady! Beautiful work.

  37. So impressed with your artistic abilities! Will be back to see more.

  38. You never cease to amaze me with your talent, Maggie girl! Love it all - would love to know when and WHERE the totes will be available. XOXOXOXOXO

  39. Hi Maggie - it is so nice to revisit all of your beautiful creations and your studio too. You have a diverse range of talents - love your soldering artwork I think mostly because it is not something I do but I really appreciate yours. Your soldered hearts are just so beautiful!
    Hope you are enjoying the tour!
    Thanks for sharing everything again with us!

  40. Hi Maggie, thanks for visiting me for the GYB party. I love all your artwork, it's awesome. I hope you do mange to get to Australia, you'll love it here. Thanks for the wonderful give-aways you're offering.

  41. Hi Maggie!

    Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. Your artwork is amazing! I love everything! I look forward to reading more of your posts and seeing more of your stunning artwork!


  42. Hello Maggie! Thank you so much for visiting my blog... I followed links back here to your blog and I am so glad that I did! It is great! Love your jewellery and your tags! Beautiful! :) x Thank you for your giveaways too... the GYB party has been such fun! :) x

  43. Hello Maggie! Thank you so much for visiting my blog... I followed links back here to your blog and I am so glad that I did! It is great! Love your jewellery and your tags! Beautiful! :) x Thank you for your giveaways too... the GYB party has been such fun! :) x

  44. Oh my goodness Maggie, I have been admiring your beautiful angel paintings on Pinterest for a little while now, and I'm so glad to visit your blog! I see I will be a regular visitor here, because I'm in love with your work. Be it the stunning soldering pieces, your paintings, the collages or what else you make. I'm going to follow you through bloglovin. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog and for following me :) Wishing you a beautiful day ~ Wendy of Apple and Apricot

  45. Oh wow oh wow!! It will be with delight that I visit your gorgeous blog again and again. Your angels are sublime....but then so is everything showcased in this post. Love, love, love your tote bags. The western one reminds me of Dale Evans and her Palomina horse, Trigger. How disappointing Simplicity uses photographs now and not your gorgeous artwork. I bought a few Daisy Kingdom patterns when my girls were little. I can see I am going to have to make myself a cuppa and pull up a comfy chair as I wander throughout your lovely blog and drink in all the gorgeousness!

  46. Hello Maggie... this is my return visit from GYB-Party. You are so talented. I look around and around and can't see enough! I love how you include the old images in your work. Great! Kind regards, Annett (

  47. Hello Maggie. Thank you for stopping by my blog (Fancy Foot Farm) for GYB and inviting me here. I'm still trying to get through the list also! Your work is GORGEOUS! I'm so glad I found your site and I'll be following your blog. I'd be thrilled to win either of your giveaways.

  48. Hello Maggie! So nice to meet you! I am so glad I found you at artjoystuff.blogspot ATC swap! What a fantastic artist you are..WOW! I am definitely going to be a follower of yours! Thank you for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

  49. Hello Maggie. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me such a nice comment. I love your artwork and the lovely illustrations you do. I will certainly become a new follower of your blog it's so nice to find new blogs to follow. I'd love to be entered in your give away. Such a lovely gift you are offering.

  50. Oh my gosh, I love the items you make! Great blog! It's my first time here... nice to "meet" you and so many other amazing crafters. God bless!

    ILuvTheEucharist @
